i love how some people say that “love is the answer”

or “love always wins”

not that I don’t agree, but I need some explanation

you didn’t ask but here it is

– side note:

overall I just don’t like having conversations with people that make huge leaps and assumptions that I agree and understand what they mean. nah bra, I want, no, I need your reasoning and thought process.

like how did you go from here to there, where is your logic and reasoning, lol do you have any

people who talk fast … fast talkers, thrive on you not asking for them to explain themselves

they push their agenda and make you go along with it

almost in this way where they get all defensive if you ask questions, like you are attacking them personally


that shit lame, and yeah imma ask you to explain, don’t use verbiage or vernacular in a subject that im not versed in so you can push your point and agenda

not up in here dawg


okay back on subject….

so it’s more than love,

like in order to fall and be lost in something you gotta have the passion, the devotion and the love

perhaps love entails these things

maybe that’s why they say “love lasts the test of time..” or something like that

but for their to be love, it has to boil within you

the fires within your being are stoked

an eternal yearning

but maybe there is even more to love

like an understanding

an awareness

meaning, a knowing that you must let something go and be free

for clinging onto something isn’t love

you must allow it to come and go

a level of patience is needed here

it can be difficult so one needs trust and faith

love is also connection, its a feeling that we are all somehow related and intertwined yet this connection is something not seen or even scientifically proved but felt

care is need in love, for you need to nurture and build the bond as it is strengthened by presences and attention

love perhaps is All

I know this sort of talk can be hippie dippy, but its crazy how love is all these things and more

so really it is more than love, for their is a common understanding that love is something romantic or for family and friends

but what if love is everything that connects us together

meaning if we loose sight of love we have left behind the trust, the patience, and turn to seperation

from separation is when we reject others, which would make sense if love is what connects us

separation cuts us off

while love fills us up

but what about when you fall out of love with someone… maybe there is more to it

like from my past i’ve seen in a relationship that we were no longer a good fit

and that it would be best to separate

the pain hurts

but with time we both have realized that it was what we needed to grow

and what filled in what love for that person but not in a romantic way but a caring way

like I care for them, for I know them on a deep level and want the best for them

so perhaps love has layers and levels

I feel the need to outwardly reflect on this because it can be hard to understand what love is when in life dating is difficult (aka finding love) and meanwhile my relationships with the people that I love, like my family is actually very hard at times and can be frustrating as get on each others toes often

layer and levels of love, that shall be the next deep dive

so why, take the chance,

well it takes a lot to keep getting out there when there are a small amount of example of love lasting and making it for the long haul, and when you’re out there putting your heart out.. it can be brutal, and painful, but for some dumb reason you keep at it, so ya you gotta take the chance, better that than giving up

yeeew know it, much love 2ya