The name, Cirque du Soleil, French for: Circus of the Sun; perfectly defines the show to what I saw. The sun has had many people to worship and appreciate its wonders and power. A symbol of many things, but here we will focus upon the more metaphorical meaning of the sun 😉

To start, humans and the life on this planet revolve around the sun; literally… The sun rises and so do we (for the most part). We are in this dance with the sun thru our time here on this planet.

To a person whom does not pleasure themselves with such ideas; the metaphor of this dance does them no good, for if you take away imagination and solely support your roots in the measurable or physical sciences then there may be a loss or weak connection with the heart.

On the other hand if you do it backwards and ROOT yourself in the dance before grasping the fundamentals of science; then you might scurry off too deep into your own imagination; where there is no reasoning. Both are essential, with the words of Albert Einstein:

Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.

With the technology and information we have today, I think that we need balance more than ever, in order to create peace of mind within the collective. Sad thing when a civilization gets to a point where almost the whole population has access to a web of information, but the information gets circulated so many times that its striped of the truth and impregnated with the agenda of others or even the simple and innocent error of translation. It’s like a bad game of telephone…

This is some joker humor right here. It’s not a joke of quality, for we are the ones that are taking in this information as if its truth, and the craziest part is that the agenda is being pushed for control or profit. By controlling the media spotlight where the groups attention goes… is to control where the collective is headed

Context is everything. When you are telling or reporting something; one must be aware of their own spin. It’s something that you can be aware of, learn about and observe, but not really something that you can help. Meaning it’s what makes you, well… you. We all have our own experience and perspective, and all that unique snowflake, fingerprint shit…

For even giving someone advice: one should be aware of projecting vs. sharing a personal experience or opinion. (Just saying the words, “in my experience” or “my opinion on the matter is…” can make all the difference in how something is received).

The key factor is within ones intention / agenda. Where is the act coming from: Facts? Opinions? Or Deceit and deception? Speak the truth when all possible, and just make good into the world.

Lol, what a tangent. Well this thread is quite relatable to COVID-19 and the corona virus. All of this news and information being blasted out, and much of it contradictory. Its difficult to study something while in the midst of it… But there is no leadership that is handling the situation. We need direction and a game plan. Something that we all can get behind and implement. This half ass dance is weak. Moves need to be made. Discussions and positive debate need to be held.

It feels as if all of this miscommunication is only creating more fear, confusion and paranoia. We need a leader. Someone backed in science and logical reasoning, while also a person fueled with compassion.

The internet and media spot light is a tough and ruff crowd. With this cancel culture and these “justice” warriors ready to pounce and point finger at any technically counted wrong doing is crazy. We need to come together and work as a cohesive unit, not a trigger happy virtue trial of everyone’s past and present.

Please we need creative thinking and solid reasoning. We can face the problems and work to make positive solutions, or we can Be the Problem.

At least just be kind to one another and try and be compassionate towards the person dripping in fear under there face mask. Respect others. Create joy and happiness for yourself and others. Worry less. Have meaningful conversations and dialog. Help one another. Be productive. Dream and breathe.

Much love, cheers and good beers!