Hear this out first, its NOT all rainbows, butterflies and fairytales. Nor shall I (in a serious reference) be all spiritual ‘flypassing’ ,using ideas about Universal Truths in a means to escape reality. BUT I AM forging strains of thought from the upwind of popular and socially agreeable and even debatable beliefs structures and sciences. Why may you ask..?

I, cosmicsurferdood, am at play with the buzz here in 2019. Located on the SouthWest coast of the United States of America. [YeeHaw! America, go World!] San Diego is a shady storm South of HOLLY WOOD, Los Angeles. Squished between LA & SD; lies an Army Base with some Nuclear Titties, and some not so bad surf… The talk of the towns varies from clique to clique. One can describe these cites containing many sub-cities and areas as ‘bubble towns’. A metaphor that is quite literal, 4 people here live in social bubbles which contain a unique type of perspective, speed, and walk. Sometimes one can get caught up in the image; seeking to obtain a rank or and even bothered by the material world of possessions. Funny thing is, a buzz, and hopefully becomes more than just that… Is one of Yoga, Meditation, and perhaps Awareness (if things continue to evolve towards the betterment of mankind of this planet). On the surface its high end Retreats, Spas, Yoga Studios and all that jazz.

In other parts… the minds, hearts and voices of teens & young adults buzz with the speech of: Angel Numbers, Chakras, Spirit Guides, Manifestation and alll that shizzam. Yup, you heard me… A load of steamy banana shiet on a rotten desert plate. It is not that I don’t see Truth or purpose in all that Spiritual, Power of One lady dee dah, but I highly disagree in how it is used on a grand scale. BUT however, I have seen some real beauty and positive effects when the subject is addressed carefully, mindfully & appropriately.

And this is what my pirate ass will be doing here on DM4: Creating and illuminating ideas upon works of art, especially film. In a means to create a platform in which one may identify and establish relationships in which they choose by consciously creating healthy boundaries, understandings, perspectives, by the approach. Using whats on the screens; I am able to string together a story with a positive spin that connects ideas. Why make this connection? Well, so-to create a nest for imagining a brighter future for yourself and this world. One that we choose.

Please comment and engage. For this channel is here to hold space for a wide spread of thoughts and ideas on a range of topics. All are welcome to participate and join the buzzzz.