When I feel sad. I am just sad. I use to think that it was wrong to feel and be sad. And well for sure if you’re a sad puppy all the time 24/7 just being mopey… Ya that’s more of a state of being that you are continuously living in and thru rather than an emotion. And yes some emotional experiences last longer than others, but there are things that you can do while they are present.

And that’s its. Be present. Pretty much just don’t fight or reject. Love and accept. Simple to say, but hard to do. So there is a balance in it all. If your sad, its most likely not a good idea to be out socializing at a concert, bar or party. Like I said if your sad your just sad.

Trying to mask your true feeling is the wrong thing to do. And it takes some self awareness to realize and understand your self and what is best for you. Rather than being at a busy bar with short shall0w conversations, perhaps find more small and intimate gatherings. Or just be with yourself.

The process of being present with your thoughts and emotions is an ongoing one.

Good thing to know: all storms pass.

The result of being self aware and reflective is that you start to build a deeper knowing of yourself. You start to see patterns in your behaviors and repeated reactions. And it is highly recommended that you are gentle with yourself in this journey of self growth and improvement. Its so easy to be too hard on yourself or even not realize how much you’ve already grown, so celebrate the victories big and small.

So yes, be happy.

I think many people have the wrong idea of happiness. They think of it as this rainbow filter in which the world is sparkles and if you smile enough you can become oblivious of all wrong and bad. And ya no, that’s dumb and just a way to escape reality.

To me happiness is the feeling of being content with who you are. More so, it’s the continuous implementation of decisions that we make to fulfill who we believe and know we are.

So what are you about? What is important to you?

Then what are you doing about it? Are you living out your values?

Don’t let your ego trip you up on your path to self discovery. Let go and forgive your past. Be true to you.

Much love and do things that make you happy.

Yeew know it, cheers!